React Fragments

Hi! I'm Ken.

I'm a full-stack product engineer.

I work at Stream, helping companies make apps with scalable and personalized activity feeds.

I'm a big fan of building dumb fun web stuff and wrenching on rusty old cars.

React Fragments

this is more of a "hey, these exist!" kind of talk than an "in-depth tips and tricks" talk

If you'd like to revisit this later:


Context time!

I've been working on Winds 2.0!

Winds 2.0 is an RSS reader and podcast player that showcases activity feeds from Stream.

Check it out at

I'm sure you've all run into this before

class App extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <p>I would</p>
            <p>really like</p>
            <p>to render</p>
            <p>an array</p>

womp womp:

    Failed to compile.

    Syntax error: Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag (6:8)

        4 |         return (<p>I would
        5 |         </p>
        6 |         <p>
          |         ^
        7 |             really like
        8 |         </p>
        9 |         <p>

the "I didn't do any research and I need to hit my estimate" way

class App extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <p>I would</p>
                <p>really like</p>
                <p>to render</p>
                <p>an array</p>


class App extends Component {
    render() {
        return [
            <p>I would</p>,
            <p>really like</p>,
            <p>to render</p>,
            <p>an array</p>

(notice the commas! because we're returning a JS object / array, it's okay.)

Dan Abramov / React folks say:

"this is 💩"

(well, sort of)

React v16.2.0 introduces Fragments

How to use a React Fragment

instead of

class App extends Component {
    render() {
        return [
            <p>I would</p>,
            <p>really like</p>,
            <p>to render</p>,
            <p>an array</p>

we use

class App extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <p>I would</p>
                <p>really like</p>
                <p>to render</p>
                <p>an array</p>

an alternate method

depending on your tooling (build pipeline, linters, beautifiers, etc), this might also work

class App extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <p>I would</p>
                <p>really like</p>
                <p>to render</p>
                <p>an array</p>

(see, the blog post says that this is supported in some tools, but create-react-app doesn't support it yet, so use at your own risk)

the "theory" answer

React Fragments should be used when the styling / layout of your elements are dependent on their order / nesting

technically correct (but kind of contrived) examples:

okay, but when should i actually use it

whenever you need to get rid of a div

when you need to turn this rendered output:

<div class="app">

    (...a bunch of other elements)

    <div> (my react component)
    (...a bunch more elements)


into this rendered output:

<div class="app">

    (...a bunch of other elements)

    (...a bunch more elements)


Example: 2x2 CSS Grid

grid layout:

(brand / top-level nav)

content header
  • subnav menu item 1
  • subnav menu item 2
  • subnav menu item 3
.grid {
    display: grid;
        'topnav header' 
        'subnav content';
    grid-gap: 1em;
  1. items in the left column don't change
  2. items in the right column both change when navigation / state changes

component structure

basically, we want this:

<div className="grid">
    <TopNav />
    <SubNav />
    <ContentComponent />

to render something like this:

<div class="grid">
    <div class="topnav"  />
    <div class="subnav"  />
    <div class="header"  />
    <div class="content" />

the problem is:

if our ContentComponent renders an extra div:

class ContentComponent extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <div className="header"/>
                <div className="content"/>

it totally screws up our CSS grid.

<div class="grid">
    <div class="topnav"  />
    <div class="subnav"  />
        <div class="header"  />
        <div class="content" />

to fix it, use a React Fragment!

<div className="grid">
    <TopNav />
    <SubNav />
    <ContentComponent />
class ContentComponent extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <div className="header"/>
                <div className="content"/>
<div class="grid">
    <div class="topnav"  />
    <div class="subnav"  />
    <div class="header"  />
    <div class="content" />


class ContentComponent extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <div className="header"/>
                <div className="content"/>

Thanks so much!
